Rigshospitalet Copenhagen
RH is Denmark’s largest department of rheumatology, covering the entire Capital Region. It hosts COPECARE, which is the arthritis research unit of the Danish Capital region focusing on inflammatory joint disease, such as psoriatic arthritis, axial spondyloarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. COPECARE has a special focus on registry studies (hosts the Danish Rheumatology Registry DANBIO and the European Spondyloarthritis Research Network coordinating center, EuroSpA CC), imaging research (MRI, ultrasonography, radiography etc.), and investigator-initiated clinical studies and hosts the Danish Rheumatological Biobank.
COPECARE at Rigshospitalet will particularly be involved in WP1 (early diagnosis of PsA) and WP3 (damage progression) and will contribute with expertise in imaging (MRI, ultrasonography, optical imaging and radiography) in diagnosis, monitoring and prognostication of PsA. Furthermore, COPECARE at Rigshospitalet will contribute with several cohorts providing datasets for several of the work packages. Thus, COPECARE will contribute with resources within clinical research, imaging and biomarkers.