University of Manchester
The University of Manchester is the largest single-site university in the UK, with the biggest student community. It is divided into three faculties and the Division of Musculoskeletal and Dermatological Sciences sits within the Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health. The Division is home to two Versus Arthritis Centres of Excellence, in Epidemiology and Genetics and Genomics; it also houses the Musculoskeletal and Dermatology themes of the NIHR Manchester Biomedical Research Centre and the Centre for Musculoskeletal Research, which is a EULAR Centre of Excellence.
We will deliver the genetics component of Hippocrates, which cross-cuts work-packages 1-5. We have international leadership in the field of Genetics and Genomics and will also contribute to delivery of the HPOS study in work-package 2 with colleagues in Dermatology (Prof Richard Warren). Prof Anne Barton co-leads work-package 1, whilst Dr James Bluett is PI for a prospective longitudinal study of patients with psoriatic arthritis treated with biologic therapies (OUTPASS), from which samples and data will be contributed to WP4. Dr John Bowes is a genetic analyst and will contribute to WP3 and 5 whilst Dr Gisela Orozco leads functional genomics studies and will lead our engagement and involvement activities.